Why You’re Dreaming About Talking Snakes

Have you ever had a dream where an animal talked to you? What about a dream where you were a parent—even though you’re not one in real life? Or maybe your dreams include more common dream symbols, like snakes. Either way, dreams can sometimes leave us scratching our heads, wondering what our dreams really mean. As you may already know, your dreams can play an integral role in understanding your feelings and reveal how you feel about people in your past or present life. When interpreting dreams, we first analyze the dream’s symbols to draw conclusions about the overarching theme and meanings. Finding answers about your childhood memories can be explained with dream symbols. Check out the dream submission below before reading about its meaning!


“Deserted To Grow”

“ I had a dream where I was taking care of my child. What’s weird though is that I don’t have a child in real life. We were laughing and playing together and everything felt totally normal. We were in the desert, maybe somewhere in Arizona. There were tons of cactuses around us. All of a sudden, a rattlesnake appears out of nowhere. It starts coming toward us and I’m freaking out...But then it stops and starts talking to me. I remember that the snake told me not to worry and to trust myself, but then I woke up.” 

Dream Submitted Anonymously

Dream Symbols


Dreaming of parenthood is most commonly a sign of fear of responsibility. Dreaming of a child that you do not have is an indication that you will soon receive positive news that has been extremely long-awaited. A dream of a child you do not have is often a reflection of your own personality. A child in a dream usually represents irresponsible + immature traits, which many people do not want to see within themselves. This is usually your subconscious way of confronting parts of yourself that you are not proud of. Many people ignore their childish behaviors, so this dream symbol is a sign of taking responsibility + growing.


Dreaming of being in a desert shows that you are lacking energy + fresh new ideas in your life. A break is needed from something in your life that is putting your creativity on hold. A desert dream could also represent that you have felt invisible recently. The desert represents an empty place in yourself you want to fill back up. 


Seeing cacti in your dream is a sign that you are in a sticky situation of some sort. You feel the need to protect yourself + the people close to you in your life. You may currently be going through some emotional trauma + where you are currently in life feels like a cactus inside of you. This is showing a lot of strength inside of you, as you can survive a tough climate.


A rattlesnake in your dream represents that a major problem may be occurring in your waking life very soon. You may be having issues with someone in your life, and if you do not comply with them you may face some problems you cannot recover from. The snake could also represent that all you want is to be respected + are extremely bothered when people disrespect you.

Talking Animals

Dreaming of an animal speaking is a sign of knowledge. These animals have lots of wisdom + can undoubtedly teach you something. A conversation with the animal, rather than only the animal speaking, is a sign of positive changes in the future. 

What Does My Dream Mean?

This dream shows that the dreamer is going through a period of growth in their life. The child in the dream is showing the dreamer who they previously were. The dreamer sees lots of happiness in the child which has been lost within themselves. 

The dream took place in the desert because the person the dreamer was, prior to the growth they’ve experienced, felt like the life was being sucked out of them. The dreamer likely was not allowed to be creative in the past, but they can (and should) find their creativity again in this new period of their life. The dreamer likely has not felt seen in the recent past because of their inability to be creative.

All of the cacti around show us how strong the dreamer is. They have likely survived through a tough situation + grown because of it. The trauma within the dreamer may feel like a cactus poking them, but it is only leading to more growth. 

The snake symbolizes someone in the dreamers waking life who may be problematic. They are extremely disrespectful to the dreamer, but the dreamer continually puts up with it because of the consequences that may be faced if the dreamer were to treat them the same way. The person this snake is representing is someone that is considered to be above the dreamer, whether that is a boss, a parent, or an older sibling.

Because the dreamer held a conversation with the snake, it shows that the person the snake is representing has recognized the hurt they are causing the dreamer, and have made amends. This person will soon be able to share all of their knowledge with the dreamer without being toxic about it.

Dreaming About Growth

The most consistent theme throughout this dream is growth. It’s common to dream about growth while experiencing it in your waking life as well. This dream shows signs of not only the dreamer experiencing growth, but also people close to her. It can be inferred that the dreamer is going through a change within their career, moving away from home, or experiencing some other major life change. Progress is being made in the life of the dreamer. 

We hope this dream interpretation helped you learn a little more about yourself. You’re growing, whether you know it or not. Here’s a little push to pursue creativity this week and hang on through the dry seasons—you’re worth it!

Keep Dreaming,

love mindmilk

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A Nightmare With A Positive Meaning


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