A Nightmare With A Positive Meaning

It’s officially spooky season. Which means we’re interpreting a nightmare! As you may already know, your dreams can play an integral role in understanding your feelings and reveal how you feel about people or situations in your life. The same is true for nightmares! When interpreting a dream, we first look at the dream’s symbols to draw conclusions about the themes and meanings your dream has. Finding answers about your nightmares can also be explained with dream symbols. Check out the nightmare submission below before reading about its meaning! 

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The Door To Yourself

“I was going up to an apartment and stopped by on the third floor. On my right, there was a light brown door and I opened it. I got into the room and the door shut itself. The room was big, had green walls, medium-dark floors, two rooms on each side, and in the middle was another room, I think. It had white doors with golden and round lever-like handles. 

I walked closer to the right side of the room, it didn't have doors. It led to my old apartment's kitchen. Walked over to the left side and it didn't have doors too. It was my aunt's old apartment's living room. On the left side of the corner room, there was a big sofa and my family was surrounding something or someone. 

But what I've noticed is a tall man with light skin, brown hair, and blue themed clothes. The off thing was: he didn't have a face! It was just a big dark hole in the middle of his face. He looked directly at me, staring at my soul. The second he looked at me I walked over to the white door in the middle of the room. 

I was about to reach the golden round lever-like thing but the people, my family grabbed my shoulders, pinned me to the doors and all of them had dark eyes, not specifically black. They were screaming, shouting the same sentence over and over again. "ARE YOU OK?! IS EVERYTHING FINE?!" 

They continued to scream and shout for a few seconds and the nightmare ended when I tried to escape them, after all the screaming and shouting. That's the nightmare I had. Please help figure it out. I have had it a few times, and I remember this nightmare vividly.”

Submitted by Martyna P.


Dream Symbols


Dreaming of a door in a dream generally represents access to new opportunities and change. It can be a symbol your life is moving onto the next stage. A door can also symbolize a transition from one stage of your life to another. Dreaming of a closed-door represents that those changes or new opportunities you thought were happening are no longer available to you. Dreaming of a door being slammed in your face represents feelings of being ignored or shut out. For further meaning, take the colors, numbers, images and feelings associated with the door into account.


To dream of a room symbolizes a specific part of yourself or a particular relationship. If you dream of various rooms within the dream, it likely relates to the hidden areas in your mind and characteristics within yourself. 


Different colors in dreams have varying meanings, just as different colors make you feel very different things within your waking life. Robert Hoss extensively studied the significance of color meanings in dreams and found the following meanings to color in dreams. Blue typically represents tranquility, peace and quiet. Gold is almost always a good omen in a dream. It usually represents healing and a sense of achievement. White can be interpreted as newness or feeling open, or even alone and isolated. Green can be interpreted as needing to establish yourself in some way. You want different aspects of your life to get better. 

A faceless person

Dreaming of someone without a face indicates a loss of identity within someone or the dreamer not wanting to accept a person for who they are. The dreamer finds importance in understanding other people’s personalities. 

Concerned Family

When you dream of your family being concerned about you, it is a sign that they are meddling in your life. There is a possibility that they are trying to push their opinions onto you and never seem to be satisfied with you. They always want more from you + no matter how much you try, you will never please them. It’s best for your mental health to stop trying to please them.


To dream of screaming represents a shock within your waking life. There is a situation in which you feel completely helpless. The screaming is letting out all of the emotions this shock is making you feel. Dreams featuring shouting suggest a conflict within yourself. It is also a way to get stuff off your chest, without causing any hurt towards anyone in your waking life. 

What does my dream mean?

Starting off the dream by opening the door shows that you are always eager to get things started in your life. You entered quickly to get a fast start to the dream, searching for new opportunities. The door shutting itself is a sign that you fear these opportunities coming to an end. Because the shutting was rather abrupt, you may be feeling ignored. The door was white because of the newness of these new opportunities and it had a gold handle because you truly believed that these new opportunities were good ones.

Because rooms typically represent a piece of oneself or a relationship with others, it is likely these rooms were representing the dreamer’s relationship with her family, as they appear later in the dream. 
Seeing the person without a face is an indication that the dreamer does not want to accept the person she has become because of the new opportunities she is facing. The person was likely dressed in blue to assure that these new opportunities are ones that will provide you with peace + comfort. The family was likely concerned for her in the dream because they have been worried about the new things in the life of the dreamer, but the dreamer does not want to listen to them. 

The dreamer has been wanting to become free from her family, but they keep making her feel as if she has to rely on them completely. Their shouting at her is a representation of all of the emotions she feels. She does not enjoy having these conflicts with her family, nor does she enjoy how this screaming and shouting made her feel within the dream.

Dream Theme: Finding Yourself

Although this dream certainly felt like a nightmare, it seems as if the overall theme is a positive one. The dreamer is finding herself with new opportunities in her life which are leading her to find who she really is. She has accepted the kind of person she is, even if that means not necessarily being completely accepted in some of her other relationships. It’s great to learn that dark dreams can often have a positive meaning in our waking lives.

We hope this dream interpretation helped you learn a little more about yourself. You’re finding yourself, even when it feels like you’re not. Keep Dreaming. 



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